Lisburn BMX Club’s safeguarding polices are below and comply with all relevant federation and statutory safeguarding legislations including,


  • Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport, Sport Northern Ireland 2006.
  • Children (NI) Order 1995.
  • Our Duty to Care NI, DHSSPS 2007.
  • Getting It Right, DHSSPS 2004.
  • Cooperating to Safeguard Children DHSSPS 2003.
  • Protection of Children And Vulnerable Adults (NI) Order Information Notes 1 3.
  • Area Child Protection Committee Regional Child Protection Policy 2005.
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007
  • Cycling Ireland’s safeguarding policy

Our full Safeguarding Children ,Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy can be found by clicking this Link safeguarding policy

Ensure as a member of visitor  you have filled out or photo and visitor consent for here

Useful contact numbers:

Child line – 0800 1111

Womens Aid – 028 9024 9041

Life Line -0808 808 8000


Various Trust services


Belfast HSC Trust Services

Northern HSC Trust Services

South Eastern HSC Trust Services

Southern HSC Trust Services

Western HSC Trust Services


If you are not aware of the below officers , photos of them are within the grey container

Club Children’s Officers (CCO) / DSO

Jacqueline Kelly

David McGinty

Club Children’s Officers should be child centred in focus. Their primary aim is to establish a
child centred ethos within the club. The CCO is the link between the children and the adults in
the club. They also have responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management
Committee on how club policy impacts on young people and Sports Leaders


Designated Liaison Person

Jacqueline Kelly


The Designated (DLP) is responsible for reporting allegations/suspicions of child abuse to the Statutory Authorities. This person will also be responsible for dealing with any concerns about the protection of young people


You can contact any of the above persons by using the below form,  please provide all details regards the inquiry/ incident – Whom it involved ,date , time , location, persons of interest , witness’s etc.

This form will go directly to the safeguarding officer chosen and will be confidential.

You can also email directly



    Our full Safeguarding Children ,Young People and Vulnerable Adults Policy can be found by clicking this Link safeguarding policy

    A Signed Copy is also at the Club Site for review